June 19, 2023

This notion imparted to me by my mother is an exciting and thought-provoking perspective on materialism and people’s attachment to material possessions. It serves as a reminder that relationships, connectedness, and experiences with fellow beings merit more excellent value over material possessions. It is of extreme importance to be aware of our attitudes and behaviour…

June 19, 2023

This metaphor  “Even a dead fish will go with the flow”emphasizes the passive nature of going along with the prevailing circumstances or following the crowd like something lifeless and inert, such as a dead fish moving with the current without using personal agency. It is a reminder of some individuals ‘ tendency to conform, adapt, or…

May 17, 2023

To truly understand our perceptions, let’s consider a scenario where a loved one, such as our child, is diagnosed with a painful condition and is confined to a hospital bed. At first, we may feel that it is our problem to bear, and we interpret the situation as dire, leading to anxiety and sadness. However,…

April 25, 2023

Morality is contraband in war.The devastating aftermath of war is that it erodes every shred of human benevolence and coerces us into renouncing and breaching our values, doctrines, standards, virtues, and faith. The notion that “Morality is contraband in war” implies that revered ethical values, principles, and spiritual tenets are abandoned in warfare and substituted…

February 27, 2023

Gratitude is a growth hormone.Its transformational qualities turn ‘enough’ to ‘more’So I can be generous.And be blessed.************* Gratitude is a currency I can mint freely to bring abundant joy to life.I get more of what I am grateful for.“Be grateful first. Be assured next. Then gracefully receive”This is the secret to my abundance recipe.************ The…

February 27, 2023

It is a journey from the mind to the heart. The mind sees and judges.What is judged becomes that. The heart observes and accepts.What is observed and accepted reveals its raw truth. The mind tries to create and see reality.The heart knows and accepts reality. The mind speaks and creates discord.The heart listens and creates…

February 27, 2023

Presence = NOW To truly understand NOW I go to my mind,and command it to dismantle all barriers.The mind is then open. An open mind transcends all limitations.It is free of judgment, and lets imagination flow unbridled. The intensity of imagination absorbs all thoughts.And I find I am in the gap between thoughts. The Gap…

February 27, 2023

I believe no real purpose is served by being rigidly stuck on ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’. What is seen as ‘Right’ by one may be ‘Wrong’ in the eye of another.Yesterday’s wrong has today become right, and today’s wrong will become right tomorrow. ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’ is just a matter of perception.Perception is a gift of…