February 27, 2023

Belief is a language of creation that we are gifted with What we believe, we will create. It is therefore beneficial to replace beliefs that cause fear with beliefs that inspire and give hope. Look back on your life and recall what you have achieved.You will know that before it was delivered,you used to think…

February 27, 2023

Between stimulus and response there is a gap called the time.The gap is the opening for an apt response.It is said, whilst in this gap,when mulling over your response, you are alone.The only helper you have is time.Make it your own. Use it wisely.What you say and do, cannot be taken back.Beware how you respond,or…

February 27, 2023

The art of loving and giving, a new value system for surviving in the modern day.

February 27, 2023

I see you in the street as you walk by.I want to make eye contact with you, but you walk by.I want to greet you with a smile, but you walk by.I want to cuddle and hug your sweet little child, but you walk by.So I give you a silent blessing as you walk by.I…

February 27, 2023

A man’s life curriculum can be broadly divided into four compartments – physical, societal, psychological and spiritual. Life is considered to be fulfilling when all four are being addressed. Following are the attributes and beliefs that identify fulfilled and serene individuals in each of the four compartments. What is most noticeable is that they are…

February 27, 2023

Words make an enlightening ocean.Drown in them to see the wisdom concealed within.They will make you see the world in a different light and in no time youwill experience a transformation not previously conceived of:Nowhere to now hereAn acorn to a mighty oakAn adolescent to an adultA beggar will assume the swagger of a king,…

February 22, 2023

When it comes to the innermost, deepest, and most intimate searching questions about our individual existence in the physical form, it is not worth asking anyone to explain the esoteric aspects of our magical being. Our mind, body, and spirit are the only faculties for gaining insights about ourselves and giving us instinctual survival guidance….